We are dealing with Covid right and making sure to keep everyone protected at all times from this virus. We have progressively recuperated since the quarantine, whilst taking the necessary precautions.
During these times, it is especially important to keep your immune system strong to maintain healthy and strong bodies. Our holistic treatments ensure that this strength naturally comes from the mouth. Of course, this should be upkept by excellent hygiene habits.
We are in full gear (as shown in the picture), ready to serve our special clients in our special clinic. We wear double masks, gloves, eye protection and everything else shown in the picture to minimize exposure from head to toe.
When you walk in you recieve covers for your feet, a robe, and have to wash your hands before entering the treatment rooms.
The appointment in itself will be the only time when social distancing will not take place, for obvious reasons.
We assure you that you are in good hands!
We present you a video on how to brush your teeth right, to make sure that you take part in these healthy habits to keep yourself safe from home, with a little guidance from our knowledgeable clinic.