I have created a variety of natural herbal rinses that I use during patient treatments and also at home for home use.
These are rinses to help heal and eliminate bacteria. where as chemical rinses consist of dyes that harm your delicate tissues and we should treat our gums and mouth gently. There are six rinses total used throughout my practice, each one specific to the patient and their mouth.
The first rinse we will talk about is The Maintenance rinse. This is designed for people who have healthy tissues and gums, but we need to prevent and to keep up with the mouth. This rinse consists of rosemary which is a toner for the mouth. Then there is Lavender which is a relaxant and Cola de Caballo which is an anti inflammatory. Lastly this herbal rinse consists of sage which is known to be used for digestive problems as a disinfectant and as a relaxant.

The next rinse we have is the The regeneration rinse which is used for remineralizing calcium in your teeth and strengthening your dental enamel.
The Cola Caballo in this brings out the inflammation. This herbal rinse consists of Vitamin C which is used to retains the gums health. Then we have Llanten which is a type of plantain which has the ability to smooth inflamed and sore mucous membranes. Rosemary and cinnamon also make up this rinse.

The Third rinse we have is the rinse used for bleeding gums it consistsof Nogal, clavo, cola caballo, Escarmujo and Llanten.
All of these are disinfectant which suck out all the bacteria in the mouth especially when there is bleeding in the gums occurring.

The fourth rinse is called Brochcism.
There is lavender and rose petals in it to relax the patient and there is also azahar which is orange blossom. These are all used as healers of the mouth.

The fifth rinse is the Children rinse.
This rinse is used only for children because it is very gentle and used mainly to calm and relax the patient. It also as disinfectant. This rinse is composed of Manzanilla, Calendula, Cola Caballo, Tomillo, Stevia, and Melisa. The Manzanilla and Melisa in this rinse are calming herbs that are very relaxing for the patient. The Stevia herb in this rinse gives the patient a slight sweet flavor. The Calendula is marigold flowers which is beneficial in reducing inflammation and promoting wound healing.

Our sixth and final rinse we have is our delicate gums rinse.
It is used for people who have delicate gums and to treat infection or pain in the gums. This rinse consists of Llanten, oregano, ampola, enebro, calendula and milenrama.

Contact us if you’re interested in our herbal rinses